Clarisa’s logo will be drawn by someone new for each issue.
A secret someone already joined to draw the logo for the next issue.
You can still reach out to us if you’re interested to do so for a later issue. Write us at
and in the subject field write: Logo
You have total freedom concerning how you would translate the logo for Clarisa. We later add it to the issue we’ve designed. Things don’t always need to match each other all the time…
Can you please explain how the process of designing the logo for Clarisa came to be?
I was fooling around with some letters I had drawn at another time just for fun, and suddenly I realised that they had this sort of Disney logo meets the Barbie logo -vibe and it felt like a style that would suit Clarisa. I’m not really a type-designer, so my apologies to the ones who are real professionals at that ;-)